
Cost Analysis versus ROI (Return on Investment)

A return on investment study is more important to a business than a cost analysis.  On the first day of class pursuing my MBA, the instructor spoke to the primary goal of all businesses:  maximizing profit and revenues.  In may have been the second day, as the first day they hand out the syllabus and […]


Sales Prospecting

A consistent conundrum amongst sales teams is how to sales prospect effectively. There are three books that I will write on as it relates to sales … [Read More...]

MBA Reads

Cost Analysis versus ROI (Return on Investment)

A return on investment study is more important to a business than a cost analysis.  On the first day of class pursuing my MBA, the instructor spoke to the primary goal of all businesses:  maximizing profit and revenues.  In may have been the second day, as the first day they hand out the syllabus and […]

Road Side MBA

Three former students from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management who have since received their PhDs from Stanford and Princeton and are now professors at different colleges decide to go on a road trip after the following experience. They pulled into a shoe store in Maine and noticed that the sales help was unusually pushy. After […]

The Ten Day MBA

I finished my MBA in November of 2014 at the University of Texas at El Paso Graduate School. A common discussion in my cohort was how we intended to use our MBA in our organization or whether we would be pursuing a new situation. In every learning environment instructors are tasked with passing knowledge on […]